Centenarian Fun
The aweful Morning Show
This is a segment of the tech morning show. It's called Centenarian Fun because I'm using it to build a community of people that are going to be here for a long time and a good time, #LongTimeGoodTime. It's a #LearningCommunity.
Links to jobs and events mentioned in the segment are below.
Would you like to be a guest on the tech morning show Centenarian Fun?
Send us a chat message or schedule a time to talk HERE.
Links to jobs and events mentioned in the segment:
- Freshly
- Solarisbank AG
- Altoros
- NFT Jobs
- Growth In Tech 3/23 @ 16:00 PT/ 19:00 ET
- tbcevents.org/online
- PhxJS
- TeachYourPeers
- https://www.meetup.com/Phoenix-JavaScript/events/276694257/
- Join the stream here:
- Teach Your Peers JS: freeCodeCamp Teach EloquentJS Ch 16
- Shawn will present on making games with JS
- 18:00 3/24